Grow Greater Happiness for Young People

Grow Greater Happiness Mindfulness & Self-Care Programs
that are FUN & EASY

"I wish I knew then what I know now." 
How many times have you said that?!

The Grow Greater Happiness program is a fun and easy way to teach "I wish I knew when what I know now" tools to young people.

Working with our sister non-profit, Seeds of Light, we bring the Grow Greater Happiness program to schools, youth organizations, and community centers near you. We help young people turn the brain-body connection into something they can use to their advantage, instead of it being something that has them at its mercy.

Incorporating the latest research on neuroplasticity, the science of happiness, and the brain-body connection, Grow Greater Happiness is a science-backed program that helps people become more aware of their emotions, understand the relationship between external stimuli & their internal reactions, AND gives them practical tools to manage those reactions.

Our programs increase resilience, empathy, and self-esteem. 
They help reframe the way we approach conflict and provide coping strategies for difficult situations.

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